Maybe it’s the costumes or the candy? There’s just something about Halloween that ignites creative impulses. So, why not get your kids involved with some Halloween crafts. Decorate your home with these fun Halloween crafts for kids.
Paper Cup Spiders

- Paper or foam cup
- Googly eyes
- Sharpie markers or paint pens
- Pipe cleaners
- Scissors
- Paint cup in desired color. Set aside to dry.
- Cut the pipe cleaners in half. Bend each stem about 1/3 of the way down. Set Aside.
- Once the paint is dry, decorate the faces of the spiders.
- To add the legs, poke the shorter end of the bent pipe cleaner into the cup. Repeat so there are 4 legs on each side. Bend the bottom of the long end to form a foot.
Batty Bat
- Toilet paper roll
- Glue
- Stapler
- Black and white construction paper
- Goggly Eyes
- Scissors
- Cut out a piece of black construction paper to cover the toilet paper roll. Glue in place. I also stapled mine so it would be faster for my impatient toddlers!
- Cut out bat wings from black construction paper. Glue or staple them in place.
- Cut out small triangles from the black and white construction paper for the ears and teeth. Glue on the eyes, teeth and ears.

Paper Pumpkin or Black Cat
- Orange, black and brown construction paper
- Stapler
- Glue
- Scissors
- Cut orange construction paper into 6 equal strips. The longer the strips the bigger the pumpkin.
- Shape the strips into circles to form the pumpkin. Staple the strips in place at the top and the bottom of the pumpkin.
- Cut out eyes and a mouth. Glue into place. Cut out a stem and glue to the top of the pumpkin (this will also hid the stapler).